CORESafety System: Safety & Health Management Assurance

This module includes:

  • Establishing a procedure to assess compliance with applicable legal requirements.
  • Maintaining current information.
  • Developing an improvement cycle that is integrated with the company’s safety and health management system.


Worksite Handbook
Worksite Handbook for module 16 – forms, check-lists and documentation for use on the job site.

Examples of participating company procedures and permits

Gap Analysis: Safety & Health Management
This document provides a tool for companies to assess the different areas in their safety and health management system that are successfully implemented and those areas that are in need of improvements.

Corrective and Preventave Action Systems
This document provides standard operating procedures to ensure that actions designed to correct hazards and other HSLP or ESR issues are properly implemented and effective. These corrective actions may be derived from a variety of sources including investigations, inspections, audits, HSLP, ESR, and L& D committee meetings, observations, industrial hygiene monitoring results, MSHA inspections, environmental assessments, social evaluations, etc., and are typically intended to be preventive in nature.

Evaluations and Audits
This document provides standard operating procedures to establish, implement and maintain an effective system to evaluate compliance to applicable legal and other requirements. The document also provides requirements for planning, establishing, implementing and maintaining an internal audit program and for conducting internal audit activities (first and second party audits) and the requirements for external audits (third party audits).

This document helps identify and correct workplace health, safety and environmental hazards in all aspects of company operations. These procedures apply to all functional areas, operations, offices, employees and contractors throughout workday and pre-shift/pre-use.