CORESafety: Framework

CORESafety Overview


Mission Statement: Achieving excellence in safety, health, and well-being


TheCORESafety framework includes a safety and health management system based on three core organizational competencies…

  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Assurance

…that are managed through continual improvement principles:

  • Plan
  • Do
  • Check
  • Act

These competencies are further defined in 10 modules. Each module includes performance expectations to ensure steady progress toward the goal of achieving excellence in safety, health, and well-being

For some companies, the implementation of CORESafety is a big step in their journey to achieve their safety and health goals, with the ultimate goal of reducing injuries and fatalities to zero. Others will see opportunities to bring additional value to safety and health management by developing additional expectations. NMA member companies are not restricted by the scope of the CORESafety Safety and Health Management System and are encouraged to include additional processes, procedures and programs they feel are appropriate.

What is this initiative, and who is behind it?

CORESafety is a partnership led by the National Mining Association (NMA) members. It’s an approach to mining safety and health to prevent accidents before they happen using a management system that involves leadership, management, and assurance. Its objective is to achieve excellence in safety, health, and well-being

What is expected of my organization?

After you have signed the CORESafety pledge and familiarized your company with the CORESafety and Health Management System, the next step is to perform a gap analysis that will indicate how your current safety and health programs fit with CORESafety.

What is the CORESafety system based on?

The CORESafety system has been customized to mining and is based on successful health and safety management systems used in other industries, as well as mining in other countries, that have successfully improved their health and safety performance. CORESafety is the first system to integrate leadership and culture into an industry management system.
