CORESafety System: Change Management

This module includes:

  • Identifying changes in the organization and at the operation that may introduce new risk or increase unacceptable risk by proactively looking for and controlling change at every level of the organization and across functional areas, including emergency management.


Worksite Handbook
Worksite Handbook for module 11 – forms, check-lists and documentation for use on the job site.

Examples of participating company procedures and permits

Change Management
This document outlines procedures that establish the process for managing change management as applied to all new projects. The document also provides significant modifications that address regulatory requirements, as well as the company HSLP and ESR requirements.

Risk & Change Management in Mining
The heart of safety management in mining is risk management, i.e., identification of hazards, assessment of their risk, application of appropriate controls. Regardless of the nature of the hazard (e.g., geological or other energy sources, environmental, process, human error & behavioral, etc.), they should all be addressed through effective risk management.