Safety Progress: 2015 Statistics on Mines and Injuries
Safety performance in mining operations appears to be on the upswing these days, with initiatives like CORESafety playing an integral role.
The Mine Safety and Health Administration recently released statistics for 2015 that show a relatively significant number of mines operating last year without an injury or illness.
Mining injuries are categorized by degrees, which indicate the seriousness of the injuries:
- FATAL injuries are those occurrences resulting in death.
- NFDL (NonFatal with Days Lost) injuries are nonfatal occurrences that result in days away from work, statutory days charged, or days of restricted work activity.
- NDL (No Days Lost) injuries are occurrences having no lost workdays; that is, nonfatal injury occurrences resulting only in temporary loss of consciousness or medical treatment other than first aid.
Check out our new infographic for more details:
- On August 11, 2016