3.1 A risk management process or system that identifies hazards and assesses, prioritizes, and adequately controls risks must be implemented. All potentially fatal hazards – including process safety hazards – should be documented on a risk register.
3.2 Each location must have a task-based or front-line (on-the-job) hazard identification and risk assessment tool that assists workers in identifying and controlling risks associated with their tasks.
3.3 Risk reviews must be completed at least annually or as risks/controls change on scenarios with potentially fatal consequences or process safety risks.
3.4 All risk assessment tools used must be defined, documented, and available.
3.5 There must be a defined process to audit high-risk tasks to ensure compliance with procedures or controls.
3.6 Define and document a manageable level of risk, including evaluation and approval by appropriate levels of management.
3.7 A process safety baseline assessment should be completed when the location has significant process safety risks.
3.8 Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) must be available for the following scenarios: 1) fatalities, 2) multiple injuries, 3) natural disasters, and 4) any potential emergencies at each site.
3.9 Evacuation routes and muster (gathering) points must be established, posted, communicated, and understood.
3.10 Resources (people and equipment) must be identified, obtained/designated, and maintained to respond to identified potential emergencies that support the ERPs. Consideration should be given to mutual aid agreements with neighboring operations or sites.
3.11 Communications and warning systems with associated procedures must be established to support the response plans.
3.12 Emergency preparedness and response training must be provided for all people, including protective actions (evacuation, shelter-in-place, or lockdown) for likely emergencies.
3.13 All people with assigned roles and responsibilities who are expected to support ERPs must be trained and verified as competent to perform their roles.
3.14 Conduct periodic drills and exercises to assess the effectiveness of emergency preparedness and response procedures. After-action reports relative to procedures are considered when performing reviews.