How Alaska’s Usibelli Coal Mine Is Making the Most Out of CORESafety
In April 2019, Usibelli Coal Mine (UCM) in Healy, Alaska surpassed its all-time safety record by completing 797 days without a single lost-time accident. Shortly afterwards, CORESafety interviewed Joe Usibelli Jr., the president and CEO of the company that was founded by his grandfather in 1943. He explained how UCM got started with CORESafety and what they’ve been doing to move through its 20 modules on the way to independent third party certification.
To read the extended version of CORESafety’s “Dig a Little Deeper” interview with Joe Usibelli, go here.
To watch our CORESafety TV episode (May 2019) with Mr. Usibelli, click here.
- On May 21, 2019