2021 – Module 1: Leadership Development

Identifying and developing employees in leadership positions or with leadership potential who can:

  • Influence safety and health performance improvement.
  • Positively and knowingly affect safety culture.
  • Help the organization achieve the 0:50:5 objective.


Worksite Handbook
Worksite Handbook for module 1 – forms, check-lists and documentation for use on the job site.

Examples of participating company procedures and permits

About Leadership Development
Understand why consistent, strong, and positive leadership is a safety performance accelerator.

Commitment, Leadership and Management Review
Ensure that all employees and contractors are in alignment with your company’s core value to ‘demonstrate leadership in safety, stewardship of the environment, and social responsibility’ and are committed to the Policies and Standards of the Company.

Leadership Development Gap Analysis Check List
This form will help you evaluate your company’s culture in the areas of Leadership Development, Responsibility & Accountability, Culture Enhancement, Collaboration & Communication, Reinforcement & Recognition, Resources & Planning, and Management System Coordination.